Mar 10, 2014

How to wake up early in the morning

My big concern recently is that I cannot get up early in the morning. I normally get up at 7:00, but I would like to get up at 6:30. You may think that it’s just 30 min earlier, but still I cannot wake up.

I thought about how to solve my concern and I was searching the Internet. I found a lot of websites about  “ How to wake up early in the morning.” Among the websites, I found one which recommends using the “Reminder” function of a smart phone. The article says that the important thing is that you need to control your nighttime hours such as the time you go to bed. If you use the reminder function, you can notice what time you should aim for. For example, if you want to sleep by 23:00, the reminder function will show like this;

22:00  It’s 1 hour before bedtime.
22:30  It’s 30 min before bedtime. Please get ready to sleep.
22:45  Hey, man. It’s 15 min before bedtime.

According this article, if you do not move, you can make the words more aggressive, and also you can put whatever comment you want.

I’ve been using the reminder function for just 2 days and I’m not sure whether it works or not yet, but it dose remind me of the time strictly. So, I’m thinking I’ll try using it for a while.

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