Apr 3, 2014

Our Chief Turtle

 A razor-back musk turtle came to our office 2 month ago. Our office is located in Kameido, Tokyo. "Kame" means turtles in Japanese and it is believed that turtles will bring us happiness, therefore we decided to have one as our office character to pray for prosperity in business and we call him "Chief Turtle". He is active at night but during the daytime he hardly moves and hides under the tree. That's behaving like an ostrich and he doesn't cover his head and leaves his bottom exposed. 

The razor-back musk turtles breed in the south of the USA and they inhabit ponds or marshes near big rivers or slow streams. Other types of adult turtle grow up to the size of 0.7-1.0 ft, but this turtle reaches only the maximum size of 0.5 ft. We can keep one in the water tank after it grows up. I didn't know that turtles breathe using their lungs the same as reptiles and mammals and they can also breathe through their skin, therefore turtles can hibernate under the water.

The razor-back musk turtle is a carnivore and eats anything. When we went out for 3 days, we put some killifishes in the water tank as his food. After we came back, we found that he had eaten only 2-3 killifishes and when we feed him artificial foods, he eats them greedily. He seems to live together with killifishes.

Our Chief Turtle doesn't move quickly, but the slow movement heals us with his charming appearance.

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