Apr 26, 2014


The ways of thinking have an effect on our daily life. When people are depressed or people don’t have good communication with others, they tend to think about things negatively, through invisible filters.

Let’s think about the situation of a couple. The husband asks his wife, “when are you coming back?” The wife wonders why he asks her such a stupid question, because she is very much looking forward to seeing her friends for the first time in a while, and she doesn’t want to worry about what time she is coming back. Also, she might think that he doesn’t want her to go out. However, if you listen to this conversation as a third party, you would think that the husband just wants to know what time she is coming home, and there are no meanings behind it at all. However, people tend to think with their feelings when they are depressed, sad or angry, and they might listen to other messages from those thoughts.

Let’s look at the situation from a different point of view. It seems to be very difficult when you are busy and don’t have enough time to stop thinking. At that time, take a deep breath and relax. We cannot live alone. We always need someone’s help, and sometimes, you can help someone. If you cannot accept the situation, just say “Thank you“ in every situation. I think that “Thank you” has a magical power, and it will make both you and someone else happy.

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