Sep 18, 2014

The Joy of Giving

Do you like to give presents to people? 

Giving something to someone seems to have a good influence on us.

According to a study in the U.S., people who give presents to others or donate money feel happier than people who spent money on themselves. Also, some business books are often written that you should donate ten percent of your salary, although I’m not sure whether this is to make us happier, but it might have the same influence as giving a present.

If you don’t feel happy, should you present something to somebody? It might feel good, or how about donating money? Every convenience store in Japan has a charity box in front of the register. If you put your change in it, you might feel better.

I like to give presents to families and friends, but I feel much happier when I’m looking for the presents for them. I get very excited when I think whether it will suit her/him or not.

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