Sep 5, 2014

Diving in Osezaki

I went to Osezaki in Nishi Izu, located in the west of Izu Peninsula, to go scuba diving with my friends last weekend. 

It was raining heavily in the early morning, but the weather forecast said it would be cloudy all day. We believed the forecast and we went there.

When we arrived there, it was partly cloudy, and by the time we were ready for the dive, the sun had appeared through the clouds and I felt very hot. 

I didn’t expect the good weather, but the sun began to shine and the sunlight was also very strong during the day.

The weather was very good and the transparency of the sea was also good. I saw a lot of small fishes and a large group of fish, too, which I don’t know the name of.

I had a very good time diving more than I had expected. How lucky we were!

However, it was a pity that we couldn’t see the beautiful Mt Fuji from the beach this time. The view of Mt Fuji from the beach is very nice.

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