May 21, 2014

A cute spot-billed duck 


I see a spot-billed duck on the way to work in the morning these days. There is one spot-billed duck and he seems to have no family. He's normally floating on an artificial small pond, but today he had crept on the pond bank and seemed to be sleeping. I was taking photos while approaching him, but he didn't move. He seems to have got used to human beings.

After I took this shot, suddenly, a dog walking with its owner ran toward the duck. I was very surprised, and also he was so surprised that he jumped and escaped into the pond, but then he just floated on the pond as if nothing had happened.

It is the season in which you can see a family of spot-billed ducks near ponds in Japan. When you go to the Imperial palace, you might see a family of spot-billed ducks. Small ducklings follow their mother, and sometimes they cross the road carefully. It is very cute. If I have a chance to take a nice shot, I'll post it on the blog.

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