Aug 27, 2014

Doing nothing, because I’m tired

#Japan #Culture

How do you overcome stress? You might play a sport with your children or friends. You might go to gym or you might do nothing at home. Japanese young people between 20 and 39 years old seem to do more overwork then before and feel unhappy because of suffering from work-related stress. The way to overcome the stress seems to be "doing nothing."

According to the recent survey from Japan's health ministry, more than one-third of young people said that they are doing nothing on their weekends and just 10 percent of them are doing some exercise. On the other hand, those aged over 65 are more active. Only 25 percent of people reported doing nothing and over 30 percent of them said that they are doing some exercise. Moreover, over 40 percent of all age groups are surfing the Internet as the survey didn't categorize what site people went on.

It is important to do some exercises and activities and have a face-to-face communication with anyone for keeping our physical and mental health. After exercising, our mind and body will be released and we can get energy to do something more.

The current trend will affect the mind and body of young people and also Japanese society. We need to change our mind from work-oriented to family or personal life-oriented. Not only the government and companies but also employees need to change their mind for how to enjoy their life.

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