Jul 4, 2014

Kimono and Yukata


When I was talking with a friend living in the Philippines about Kimonos and Yukatas, she asked me why Kimonos are expensive. I’ve never thought about the reason, I just took it as read (thought it was always the case); however, I just googled it.

“Kimonos are made of silk and a Yukata is an informal Kimono made of cotton.”

I got it. Kimonos are made of silk and that’s why a Kimono is expensive.

During the summer season, we have a lot of summer festivals and firework displays everywhere in Japan. Some people might wear Yukaras, not only women but also men. Some young men seem to think that Yukatas are cool. Men’s Yukatas are much more simple than women’s Yukatas. I’ve hardly worn a Yukata recently, but I feel glad when I meet girls dressed in Yukatas.

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